Good Hope Team Visits MSU Forestry Club

Publish Date: March 28, 2023

Estimated Time: 1 Minute

On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Good Hope Inc. had the privilege to send a team composed of John Coates, Spencer Beasley, and Zach Senneff to speak to the Mississippi State University Forestry Club. John, Spencer, and Zach are all alumni of the MSU College of Forest Resources and were excited to be back on campus to meet and talk with the students about Good Hope Inc.’s role in the forestry industry. They took the opportunity to talk with the students about what Good Hope Inc. looks for in an employee. In short, Great people are the key to our success and we are constantly looking for opportunities to hire the best, most talented people to improve our team.

As new generations of students are entering the forestry workforce, we understand the importance of staying engaged with them, so when the right person presents themselves we can be ready to hire them and grow our organization. When it comes to preparing students for professional careers in forestry, no one does it better than MSU. These students will be the future of forestry and we are excited that they let us come speak to them and look forward to our next opportunity to speak to them again.

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